Public-private partnerships promise prosperity

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Intel chairman Craig Barrett is quite enthusiastic about public-private partnerships for technology transfer in the European Union. The subject is one of five at the EU's OPEN DAYS European Week of Cities and Regions, which closes tomorrow. A few thoughts from Barrett's interview in

  • The EU's new member states are more interested in public-private partnerships (PPPs) than the old ones, since they're eager to catch up on technology.
  • The intersection of universities, business and venture capitalists drives innovation and competitiveness, and Europe must leverage it to prevent brain drain to the US and Japan.
  • The internet is only really important for human capital development if there is rich content in the local language.

Intel supports the formation of a new EU spectrum authority to coordinate radio frequency allocations across member states to guarantee service compatibility and provide predictability for Intel and other companies. Barrett thinks Viviane Reding and Luciano Caveri are on the right track.

Several more PPP-related interviews where that came from to tickle your fancy.

Update: Also, a World Bank policy note on PPP units that help governments cope in the age of public-private partnerships.

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