Quote of the Day: Crisis Talk Edition

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In honor of the World Bank's limited edition blog of 2008-2009, Crisis Talk, here is a poem from Martin Dickson, deputy editor of the Financial Times, on the worst excesses of the financial crisis:

"To moral hazard give no thought!
We see no need to get distraught.
Please rest assured God’s work we’re doing
(It’s merely taxpayers we’re screwing.)
The Lord to us has sent a sign:
Monopoly profits are just fine."

How could these people fail to see,
Their debt to all society?
The short answer must surely be
A banker’s mind is conscience-free.
They grab the profits of risk-taking,
Leave us the losses that they’re making.

Read the rest of the poem here. PSD blog will continue featuring crisis-related content in the new year. And if bankers continue doing "God's work" as if nothing has changed, the World Bank may at some point have to provide as much crisis-related blogging as it did back in early 2009. 

On that note, here is a word from Steven Colbert: 

The Colbert Report Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Goldman Sachs Does God's Work
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