Aaron Benevot

Aaron Benevot

Director, UNESCO Education for All, Global Monitoring Report

Aaron joined UNESCO's Global Monitoring Report (GMR) team as Director in June 2014, bringing with him decades of experience in global education policy analysis and comparative research. Previous to this post, he served as Professor in the School of Education at Albany-State University of New York, USA and consulted for UNESCO, its Institutes, and UNICEF. Aaron also bought with him an in-depth knowledge of the workings of the GMR team having previously worked as a Senior Policy Analyst for the Report between 2005 and 2009, during which time he contributed to the development and drafting of four Education for All Global Monitoring Reports: Literacy for Life (2006), Strong Foundations: Early Childhood Care and Education (2007), Education for All by 2015: Will We Make It? (2008) and Overcoming Inequality: Why Governance Matters (2009).