Aaron Shakow is Associate Director of the Program in Non-communicable Disease at Partners In Health, where he has played a key role in the organization's advocacy for the treatment of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and other diseases of the poor. A past editor of the journal Health and Human Rights, Dr. Shakow has taught the history of science at Harvard College and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and is presently a lecturer in global health and social medicine at Harvard Medical School. During the rollout of the World Health Organization's "3 by 5" initiative to expand global access to antiretroviral treatment in the mid-2000s, he was a strategic adviser to the director of HIV/AIDS; he currently serves as an advisor in the Office of the President of the World Bank. Dr. Shakow’s research interests include state planning in low-income countries, international governance in global health, case-based learning, and the history of development, with a particular focus on the impact of public health interventions on economic relations and cultural exchange.