Abdallah SOW is a preschool education specialist. He is the coordinator for the ECE program within the Directorate of preschool Education at the Ministry of Education in Senegal. Sow has a very rich experience of 29 years in education planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. He notably participated in the development and implementation of Senegal major and current education programmes and projects such as the programme for Quality, Equity and transparency improvement (Programme d’Amélioration de la Qualité, de l’Equité et de la Transparence and the Programme d’Appui au Développement de l’Education au Sénégal). Sow coordinated the development of strategic documents for preschool education such as a play-based maths teaching guide financed by JICA. He’s currently coordinating the preschool curriculum revision with support from the World Bank. He is a member of a steering committee put in place with the support from UNICEF to develop and implement community-based approaches for preschool.