Aliya Kashif MD, MBA, MPH joined the World Bank in 2012 where she is the Senior Health Specialist in the Global Practice for Health, Nutrition and Population, based in Pakistan. She is the Co-Task Team Lead (Co-TTL) on the National Immunization Support Project (NISP) and is the team leader for the COVID-19 operation (PREP-Pandemic Response Effectiveness Project) and the Sindh Enhancing Response to Reduce Stunting and has been part of a range of lending operations, Trust Funds and analytic and advisory services over the last eight years. She has a background in clinical medicine and public health which spans over the last 19 years and initiated her career with the Government of Pakistan from a bank funded project on HIV/AIDS. Later on, worked with Save the Children US, UNOPS, an INGO, and National University of Science & Technology.