Alvaro Federico Barra is a Land Administration/Geospatial Specialist at the World Bank in Washington DC. He joined the Bank in 2008 and is currently working on Land Administration/NSDI projects in Sierra Leone, Mozambique, Lebanon and Bosnia, leading a study about Improving Resilience and Resilience Impact of National Land and Geospatial Systems, co-chairing the World Bank Geospatial Community of Practice and contributing in several geospatial/economics knowledge and analytical products, where he applies innovative techniques in several sectors, including land administration, infrastructure, urban, rural, resilience and social development, environment and agriculture. Before joining the World Bank, he worked at CGAP, Winrock International and UN’s ECLAC. He has a bachelor’s in Economics from Universidad Nacional de Córdoba in Argentina and a MS in Public Policy and Management from Carnegie Mellon University in the United States.