Dr. Ana Bucher is Senior Climate Change Specialist at the Environment and Natural Resource Global Practice of the World Bank and currently working on the integration of climate issues in development projects in the Southern and Eastern Africa Region. Dr. Bucher has more than fifteen years of experience in the design, development, and management of international programs related to climate change, climate risk management, and sustainable development. She has led several initiatives related to the integration of climate information and adaptation/mitigation actions for the implementation of national climate commitments under the Paris Agreement in Latin America, Europe, and Africa regions. Her work has focused on translation of climate information in development planning, as well as advising on the integration of adaptation and low-carbon development in a range of sectors, including transportation, energy, urban/rural development, and natural resource management. She is also the lead author of WBG Climate Change Strategy for the Latin America and Caribbean Region. She holds a Ph.D. in Soil Sciences from Pennsylvania State University.