Arsala Deane is a Trade and Competitiveness Specialist with the World Bank Group’s Trade and Competitiveness Global Practice, based in Washington, DC. She coordinates the Trade Facilitation Support Program, a flagship global initiative that is helping developing countries to implement reforms in trade facilitation that align with the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement. For the last five years, Arsala has been working on trade facilitation technical assistance projects in South Asia and Central America. Prior to this, she was based in IFC’s office in Mexico for three years, working on investment climate projects in Latin America. Arsala has worked in international development for the last 15 years, building expertise in private sector development, governance and social accountability. She holds an MA in International Relations and Economics from the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University, and a B.S. History and Diplomacy from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service.