Arsène Aimé H. Mukubwa

Arsène Aimé H. Mukubwa

Water Resources Engineer, Nile Basin Initiative / NELSAP CU

Arsène Mukubwa is a water resources engineer at the Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program - Coordination Unit (NELSAP-CU)—an investment arm of the Nile Basin Initiative. For the last eight years in the Water Resources Development and Management Sub-program at NELSAP, Arsène has been involved in preparing investments in water development and environment across the seven countries in the Nile Equatorial Lakes region (Burundi, DR Congo, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda). His work involves undertaking basin diagnostic analyses; identifying issues and possible solutions; developing basin development strategies; preparing investment plans; formulating and preparing multipurpose projects in the energy, irrigation, water supply, and environment sectors; and reviewing related financial and economic analyses. Arsène has a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering and a master’s degree in Water Science and Engineering with a specialization in hydroinformatics from UNESCO-IHE Delft Institute for Water Education.