Ata Can Bertay is currently an assistant professor of finance at Sabancı University, Istanbul. He was a Research Economist at the World Bank's Development Economics Research Group co-leading Global Financial Development Report 2019-2020 on bank regulation and supervision. Previously, he led the GFDR 2017–2018: Bankers without Borders on international banking. He received his B.A. in Economics from Boğaziçi University (2008), his M.Sc. (2010), and his Ph.D. in Economics (2014) from Tilburg University. From 2010 to 2012, he worked at the World Bank as a consultant in the Research Group. He also visited the New York University, Stern School of Business as a visiting scholar in 2013. His research interests include banking, financial economics and macrofinance, and his research has appeared in journals such as the Journal of Financial Stability, Journal of Banking and Finance, and Journal of Financial Intermediation.