Our project entitled: “Cybercafé, Jóvenes con Visión de Equidad” won a grant from the Development Marketplace in 2003. Thi project helped us start the first Internet Cabin for the visually impaired in Lima. Based on our experience implementing the project we established the "Asociación de Tecnología y Discapacidad -ATECNODIS-", " In English its the "Peruvian Association of Technology and Disability," a non-governmental organization that promotes access to information and culture among the visually impaired through adaptive software: screen readers, talking browsers and magnifiers. Our goal is to create the first mobile training center for the blind called "Edubus", a vehicle that allows us to travel and reach the visually impaired in the Andean regions of Abancay, Cuzco and Ayacucho. We want to offer training in Braille, independent living skills, mobility and computer skills to people from the Andes who can't study in the capital. My dream is to have a well equipped bus, with laptops, scanners, materials in braille, solar panels, biogas fuel and a water supplier. We would like to offer a mobile training center that can expand its reach beyond the capital.