Brahmantio  Isdijoso

Brahmantio Isdijoso

Director of Government Support and Infrastructure Financing Management, Ministry of Finance, Indonesia

Prior to becoming the Director of Government Support and Infrastructure Financing Management, Brahmantio served as the Director of State Financial Risk Management (2015-2019), Head Division of Fiscal Risk Management (2011-2015), and Head Division of Government Support Risk for Infrastructure Projects (2007-2011)—all within the Ministry of Finance’s Risk Management Unit. 

Brahmantio also has more than 15 years of experience in research as a team leader for several projects in the Ministry of Finance’s Research Unit (1991-2006) and as a Senior Researcher with the Center for Economic and Social Studies, Jakarta (1994-2000).

He was appointed as Chair of the Board of the ASEAN Infrastructure Fund (AIF) established in 2012 to finance key infrastructure projects in the Southeast Asian region. Brahmantio holds an MS in Agriculture Economics from Bogor Agricultural University.