Camila Vammalle is a senior economist and policy analyst in the OECD Budgeting and Public Expenditures division (Public Governance Directorate). She is responsible for the Infrastructure and PPP Network, and for the Latin American and Caribbean Senior Budget Officials Network. Before heading the Infrastructure and PPP Network, she was responsible for the joint Senior Budget Officials-Health Network on the Fiscal Sustainability of Health Systems. She has also worked for the Regional Development Policy division, where she specialized in sub-national public finances (in particular, sub-national financial capacity for public investment and sub-national government debts), and multi-level governance. She contributed to the OECD Network on Fiscal Relations across Levels of Government, and coordinated an in-depth Territorial Development reviews. Camila holds a bachelor degree in Economics from the Universidad de San Andrés (Buenos Aires, Argentina), and a PhD in Economics from Sciences Po (Paris, France).