Carmen Carpio is a Senior Health Specialist for the Africa Region at the World Bank. She currently leads health programs in Angola, Sao Tome and Principe, and Benin. Carmen previously led World Bank health programs across the Caribbean and Central America and in the fragile state contexts of Liberia and South Sudan. Carmen’s technical experience in the field of health systems strengthening includes working on issues such as HIV/AIDS, Health Management Information Systems, Nutrition, Disease Surveillance, Human Resources for Health (HRH), and Health Financing. She actively blogs and has published articles on performance based financing, and books on the topic of Human Resources for Health. She holds a Certificate in Strengthening Human Resources for Health from Harvard’s School of Public Health, a Master’s in Public Health from George Washington University, and a Master’s from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service in Development Economics focused on Latin America. Carmen is a native of Peru, has made her home between Southern California and Washington DC, and currently resides in Angola.