Ms. Farvacque-Vitkovic has more than 25 years of World Bank experience in many regions of the world and has worked in almost 30 countries. As a Lead Urban Development Specialist, she has led the preparation and implementation of a large number of urban development and municipal management projects around the world and has been the recipient of numerous awards for excellence. She is the author or co-author of several sector studies as well as several books, such as Crest 1650–1789: La Ville et Son Evolution; Reforming Urban Land Policies and Institutions in Developing Cities/Politiques Foncières des Villes en Développement; The Future of African Cities, Challenges and Opportunities for Urban Development/ L’Avenir Des Villes Africaines, Enjeux et Priorités; Street Addressing and the Management of Cities;Municipal Self-Assessments, A Handbook for Local Governments (forthcoming). She is also the co-editor of Municipal Finances, A Handbook for Local Governments. She has a keen interest in translating lessons from experience and cutting-edge know-how into practical knowledge products and is currently leading the development and worldwide delivery of an e-learning curriculum on land management, urban planning and municipal finances.