Céline Ferré started writing blog entries when she was 10, back in the eighties, frantically scribbling with a fountain pen in her diary. Her younger brother introduced her to photography at the age of 13: black and white pictures started giving life to her tales of travel. She first hit the road to work in rural Nepal in 1999, forgot her toothbrush and water purifier, but filled her backpack with her Pentax, rolls of film in ziplocks, pencils, notebooks and Rolling Stones tapes. Not sure if she wanted to reincarnate in Mick Jagger, Jack Kerouac or Raymond Depardon, she studied Economics at UC Berkeley and is currently a Young Professional in the South Asia Region. Thanks to 21st century technology, she now has a portable computer on which she writes blog entries, downloads digital pictures, listens to the Stones (still), and runs Stata do-files. She is still looking for the perfect picture that will capture one of the many facets of daily life, from that of an Afghan nurse to that of a Moroccan shopkeeper, from that of a French teacher to that of a Chilean farmer.