Craig Hammer is a Senior Program Manager with the Development Data Group at the World Bank. He specializes in governance reforms, and in particular on open government and open data initiatives. His work at the World Bank has included strengthening laws, policies, and regulations focused on access to information, open government data, and data-driven decision-making for improved public service delivery to traditionally marginalized and underserved communities in more than 30 countries in Africa, the Middle East, Latin America, South Asia, and Central Europe. He is a co-author of the 2021 World Development Report: Data for Better Lives, a Secretariat member for the World Bank’s Data Governance Body, and manager of The World Bank’s Global Data Facility, which is the Bank’s primary financing mechanism to support low- and middle-income countries’ data priorities alongside the Bank’s core lending portfolio. He is a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations; a member of the Society for the Policy Sciences; a Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science; and a member of the Council of Editors for the Journal of Law and Politics. He has published books, chapters, and refereed journal articles on topics including development data, law, and governance.