Dan  Bouga Boukari

Dan Bouga Boukari

Colonel, Niger Customs

Dan Bouga Boukari is a Colonel in the Niger Customs Administration. After serving many years in various roles in the customs administration, currently, he is the Head of the Data Analysis and Customs Reforms Unit.

He holds a master’s degree in economics with a focus in managerial and development economics from the University of Douala (Cameroon), a postgraduate diploma from the National School of Administration of Abidjan (Côte d 'Ivoire) with a focus in economic and financial management and a master's degree in management science with a focus in marketing from the Ecole Supérieure de Management (ESM) in Casablanca (Morocco).

He has carried out external consultancy work on behalf of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) on issues relating to quality management and ISO 9001 certification for a group of Nigerien companies.

Colonel Dan Bouga Boukari is the author of three books, two of which were published by Editions Harmattan (France) and another one by Editions Continent (Togo).