Dan Owen is a Senior Development Specialist experienced in designing and managing community-driven development (CDD) and social inclusion operations for the World Bank. He also has work experience with international NGOs, the private sector and academia. Currently working with the Africa Social Development team, he previously spent six years in the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region, leading operations in the fields of CDD, rural infrastructure provision, social inclusion and mining, managing the regional Poverty and Social Impact Analysis Trust Fund and leading work in ECA on social dimensions of labor restructuring. Before ECA, he served as coordinator of the Bank's corporate secretariat unit for Community-Driven Development, as a Social Development Specialist at the International Finance Corporation and, during a decade of work in the Africa region, as a participation and poverty specialist based in the Mozambique country office. His academic background is in Anthropology and he has attended the universities of Cambridge, Harvard and the London School of Economics.