Dolf Gielen is the lead for the Green Hydrogen Program in ESMAP. Prior to joining the World Bank, Dolf worked for IEA, IRENA and UNIDO. He has 30 years of experience in energy and climate policy, with emphasis on innovation, technology and economics. Dolf has advised many senior public and private sector players in various settings. This includes CEM, G7, G20, MI, SE4ALL, UNFCCC, SE4ALL and WEF, amongst others. He was part of the management team that established IRENA as a new intergovernmental agency.
Dolf has a PhD from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands in energy and materials systems modeling. He studied chemical engineering and environmental sciences. Dolf has written more than 150 peer reviewed scientific papers, books, and reports. At the center of his work is the support for better informed energy and climate decision making.