Douglas Randall is a Senior Financial Sector Specialist in the World Bank’s Finance, Competitiveness & Innovation (FCI) Global Practice, currently working in the Latin America & Caribbean regional team. Douglas supports financial sector authorities to develop inclusive, innovative, and resilient financial systems through technical assistance and lending operations. Douglas has worked extensively on digital financial inclusion efforts, including related to legal and regulatory frameworks, digitalization of government-to-person social transfers, financial consumer protection, and national financial inclusion strategies. Douglas also collaborates on cross-sectoral efforts related to digital economy development and disaster risk finance and insurance. Douglas joined the World Bank in 2009 and worked in the Development Economics Research Group (DECRG) until 2013, primarily on the Global Findex database. Prior to this, Douglas worked for Innovations for Poverty Action in Puebla, Mexico. He has a B.A. in Economics and Political Science from Tufts University and a M.S. in Applied Economics from Johns Hopkins University.