Douglas Zhihua Zeng (曾智华) is currently a senior economist at the Financial and Private Sector Development Department of the Africa Region, World Bank, and has worked on many countries in East Asia and Pacific, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Europe and Central Asia. His areas of expertise include macroeconomics, innovation, special economic zones, clusters, competitiveness, skills, and knowledge economy. Recent books (including those co-authored) include Building Engines for Growth and Competitiveness in China: Experience with Special Economic Zones and Industrial Clusters; Knowledge, Technology, and Cluster-Based Growth in Africa; Promoting Enterprise-Led Innovation in China; Innovation for Development and the Role of Government; and Enhancing China’s Competitiveness through Lifelong Learning, among others. Prior to joining the World Bank, he worked at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Economist) and Stanford University (Ford Foundation Scholar). He can be reached at
作者为世界银行高级经济学家,世界银行学院“知识与发展”项目创始人之一。1998年加盟世行,主要从事国家发展战略的研究和咨询, 以及技术援助项目的设计与管理。他曾为东亚非洲拉丁美洲欧洲的30多个国家工作, 是知名的创新、竞争力、产业集群、知识经济、和终身学习等方面的专家。近期专著包括: 《解读“中国奇迹” -经济特区和产业集群的成功与挑战》;《中国:促进以企业为主体的创新》;《创新与发展及政府的作用》;《知识, 技术和非洲产业集群的发展》;《发展终身学习, 提高中国竞争力》;《中国与知识经济 – 机遇与挑战》等。他还在国内外著名的杂志上发表了很多文章。加盟世行之前, 他曾任中国社会科学院经济学家和斯坦福大学福特学者。他的邮箱是: