Dr. Kennedy has directed research funded by more than $AUD8million of competitive grants (ARC, GRDC, CRDC, RIRDC, ACIAR, AusAID, World Bank) with a career total of over 300 research publications including 11 books and about 200 refereed papers and chapters in books, collaborating with more than forty post-graduate students and ten visiting fellows. He was awarded a DSc(Agric) by the University of WA in 1992 for a thesis entitled “The metabolism of inorganic nitrogen and its environmental effects”. International experience includes numerous invitations to deliver lectures or key-note papers at international symposia in Egypt, Russia, Germany, Pakistan, Italy, Belgium, USA, Indonesia, Vietnam India, Belgium and Hungary; direction of an International Development Program (IDP) Linkage between Shandong University (Biological Nitrogen Fixation), Jinan in China and the University of Sydney and an ARC-funded collaborative research program on BNF with the Institut Pasteur in Paris. In Vietnam and Indonesia, he has recently directed ACIAR and AusAID-funded projects on rapid ELISA immunotests for mycotoxins and pesticides and projects on inoculant biofertilisers in Vietnam, which have been funded since 1999 by ACIAR, AusAID and the World Bank. The major goal of all this work is obtaining solutions for agriculture and the environment in the planetary interest.