Ms. Elisabetta Capannelli, an Italian national, became the World Bank Country Manager for Romania and Hungary in May 2013. Ms. Capannelli is an economist with 25 years of experience in development with the Asian Development Bank and, since 1998, with the World Bank. She has worked in more than 30 countries in East Asia and Pacific, Middle East, North Africa, Europe and Central Asia covering urban development, infrastructure and governance. She has also worked for the European Commission in the Cabinet of Joaquin Almunia, Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs, being in charge of the international portfolio.
Ms. Capannelli holds a Master of Arts in Political Science with a Major in Economics from Bologna University, and a Master of Arts in Development Economics from Sussex University.
Ms. Capannelli holds a Master of Arts in Political Science with a Major in Economics from Bologna University, and a Master of Arts in Development Economics from Sussex University.