Francine Umutesi is a Biomedical Engineer serving as the Manager of the Medical Technology Division at Rwanda’s Biomedical Centre (RBC). She specialises in the management of healthcare infrastructure projects and technology, data exchange between healthcare facilities, and in strengthening healthcare and oxygen systems.
She is the Board Chair of the Rwanda Association of Biomedical Engineers (RAME) and a Member of the National Council Board of the Rwanda Health Allied Professional Council (RHAPC). She is also an invited member of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering Clinical Engineering Division (IFMBE–CED) and a Board Member of the Rwanda Public Health Bulletin, and works as an international consultant on healthcare technology management.
Prior to joining the RBC, she worked as a school principal, business incubator specialist and processing manager, student assistance officer, and cultural project manager. She has worked in Africa and Europe, in diverse, multi-lingual, and international environments.