Gabriel L. Nelson is a Certified Program Development Specialist with the ADARA Research and Management Consultancy (ARMC), a premier Liberian firm based in Monrovia where he coordinates its Early Childhood Development Portfolio, which includes research and management support assignments across Africa. He also coordinates new business development activities for ADARA. Prior to him joining ARMC, Mr. Nelson worked with the Ministry of Education of Liberia where he served as Director for Early Childhood Development (2018 -2022) and supported the Bureau of Early Childhood Education in the areas of policy development and planning, program design and evaluation as well as working with other line ministries to strengthen intersectoral networking for ECD. During this period, he led the development of a gender-responsive, campus-focused Child Protection Protocol, co-led the development of the Safe School Protocol, among others. Additionally, he served as Director for Program Coordination and External Support Services in the Department of Instruction, MOE (2013 – 2018), providing program support to bureaus as well as local education offices; and provided support to the GPE/WB Basic Education Project, serving as a team leader on its Textbook and Instructional Materials portfolio (2012 – 2016). Mr. Nelson holds a master’s in Public Health (Cuttington University, Liberia), with focus on school-based health programming and a master’s certificate in Development Project Management (IDEA/University of Laval). He is currently a member of the Together for Early Childhood Evidence (T4ECE) Liberia Country Team, supported by ECD Measure/USAID.