Mr. Ghassan Alkhoja, a US National, has worked extensively on development issues in the, focusing on human development (HD) sectors, and was previously the Resident Representative for the World Bank in Kuwait. He joined the World Bank in 1993, as a consultant then staff in the Finance and Private Sector Development Network, and also worked in the Infrastructure Network. More recently, he was the Human Development Coordinator for Kuwait and Iraq between 2011 and 2014, overseeing health, education, and social protection portfolios in those countries, as well as the portfolio manager for the broad MENA HD unit from 2012-2014, and Program Manager for the Iraq Technical Assistance and Capacity Building Fund from 2013-2014. Mr. Alkhoja has worked extensively on social protection and jobs programs in Jordan, Lebanon, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, as well as Education, Higher Education, and Health programs in several countries, including Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Kuwait, Egypt, and Iraq. Mr. Alkhoja’s most recent appointment was the Social Protection and Jobs Coordinator for Iraq, based in the World Bank’s Beirut Country Office.
Mr. Alkhoja has a MSc in Information Management (with minor in Economics) from the George Washington University in Washington, DC.