Guy Banim is Expert Adviser to the European Institute of Peace on preventive diplomacy. He has twenty years of experience in peace process support having began his career as an official in the Northern Ireland Office working on the implementation of the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement. He has subsequently engaged in conflict prevention and peace mediation for the EU in Brussels and the AU in Addis Ababa. He was team leader of the Mediation Support Team in the European External Action Service 2011-2014 and has been an associate analyst for EU Institute of Security Studies on the ASEAN Regional Forum approach to preventive diplomacy. He has worked in support of local actors in diverse settings (eg Nepal, Myanmar, Zanzibar, Swaziland, Togo, Afghanistan) for a range of organisations including UNDP, CMI, HDC, ACCORD and ECES and is on the UN roster of mediation experts. Guy holds a Masters in Conflict and Sustainable Peace from KU Leuven and has completed training in multi-track mediation required for certification by the German Federal Association for Mediation (Bundesverband Mediation).