Henri Proglio

Henri Proglio

Chairman and CEO, EDF Group

Henri Proglio served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of EDF from 2009 to 2014. He was appointed director of EDF in 2004, then a state-owned industrial and commercial institution (établissement public industriel et commercial - EPIC). Within the EDF group, he served as Chairman of the Boards of Directors of EDF Energy Holdings and Transalpina di Energia. He served as director of EDF Énergies Nouvelles, EDF International (SAS) and Edison and also as Chairman of the EDF Foundation and the Electra association. In addition, he served as director of CNP Assurances, Dassault Aviation, Fomento di Contrucciones y Contratas, Natixis, Veolia Environnement and Veolia Propreté, and member of the Supervisory Board of Veolia Eau. He also served as deputy Chairman of the Strategic Nuclear Energy Committee, member of the French Atomic Energy Committee, the High Committee for Transparency and Information on Nuclear Safety, the French National Committee on Sectors of Vital Importance and director of the Fondation Européenne pour les Énergies de Demain.