Fanomezantsoa is a Malagasy national with 8 years of experience in public sector. Currently, he is an in-house consultant at the World Bank’s Madagascar office to support innovation projects in the areas of domestic revenue mobilization, accountability reforms, and change management, among others.
Prior to the Bank, he served as the Deputy National Coordinator of the Land Reform Coordination Unit under the Ministry of Land Affairs of the Republic of Madagascar; where he led the finalization of the 2016-2020 National Land Program aimed at reducing administrative burden of land registration by promoting the decentralized land management system and deploying ICT enabled solutions.
Fanomezantsoa earned a MPA from the Bush School of Government and Public Services in the USA, thanks to a Fulbright scholarship. He is also a Government Fellow of the United Nations University’s Operating Unit on Policy-Driven Electronic Governance (UNU-EGOV). Fanomezantsoa envisions a bright future for Madagascar and Africa as a whole, through an accountable governance framework, streamlined public service delivery supported by new technology, and flourishing digital economy.