Iñaki Sánchez Ciarrusta is an Analyst with the World Bank's global edtech team. As a part of the World Bank’s Global Solutions Group on Technology and Innovation, Iñaki works on issues at the intersection of technology use and education in middle- and low-income countries and emerging markets around the world, with special focus on the Latin American Region. His work on the edtech team involves support to a network of 25 EdTech Fellows in each of the Bank’s six operating regions; strategic support to Bank management and clients; development of new knowledge products and capacity building activities; engagement with external partners; and development of frontier knowledge in areas such as digital infrastructure and blockchain technologies.
Passionate about technology and education, Iñaki has experience both as an engineer and as a teacher. He holds Master’s Degree in Aeronautical Engineering from the Polytechnical University of Madrid and a Master's Degree in Teacher Training from the Valencian International University.