J. Alfonso Aísa is in charge of the Technical Office of the Delegate Cooperation of the Support Program for Education and Professional Technical Training in the Dominican Republic (Proetp II). The Programme, financed by the European Union and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation, has the general objective of contributing to the national poverty reduction strategy by increasing the employability of the labor force. Its specific objective is to strengthen and improve the national system of Vocational Technical Education and Training (TVET) to better respond to the demands of the productive sector and the needs of the workforce. Since 1995, he has worked on various cooperation programs in the educational field in El Salvador, the Dominican Republic and Mexico, where he was Education Counselor at the Spanish Embassy in that country. He has a Law Degree from the Complutense University of Madrid and a master’s degree in European Law from the Institute of European Studies of the Free University of Brussels. He joined the Higher Corps of State Civil Administrators developing the first years of his career at the Ministry of Education in Madrid.