Jennifer Seager, Ph.D., is a Development Economist and an Assistant Professor of Global Health and Economics in the Department of Global Health at George Washington University. Dr. Seager is an applied microeconomist with research interests at the intersection of development and health. Her areas of interest are adolescent physical and psychosocial well-being, risky sexual behavior, and impact evaluation of programs and policies through randomized controlled trials and econometric designs to uncover causal impacts. She is currently working on evaluations of interventions seeking to improve sexual and reproductive health and experience of intimate partner violence for adolescent girls in Tanzania, to increase first-time parents’ access to family planning in Bangladesh and Tanzania as part of a team working with Save the Children on the Bill & Melinda Gates funded Connect project, and as a quantitative researcher with the Gender and Adolescence: global Evidence (GAGE) program primarily overseeing data collection and program evaluation in Bangladesh. She received her Ph.D. in the Department of Economics at the University of California, Irvine in 2016.