Joseph Kutzin

Joseph Kutzin

Coordinator, Health Financing Policy, World Health Organization

Joe Kutzin is Coodinator for Health Financing Policy at the World Health Organization.  He holds a Masters in Development Economics from Boston University and was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from Semmelweis University.  He is a health economist with over 30 years’ experience in health financing policy and health system reform, working in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and Europe. He has been with WHO for over 20 years, serving in Headquarters, in Kyrgyzstan as policy advisor to the Ministry of Health, and in Copenhagen and Barcelona as the European Region’s Advisor on Health Financing. He was a contributor to the World Health Report 2010 on financing for universal coverage, and has published numerous conceptual and empirical articles on health financing and universal coverage, including a book on the financing of public hospitals that he co-authored while working at the World Bank. Much of his recent work, and that of his team, focuses on issues of (mis)-alignment between health financing and public sector financial management.
Follow Joe on twitter at @JoeKutzin