Dr. Juan Chacaltana, is Senior Employment Policies Specialist at the Employment Department, ILO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. He previously worked as Senior Economist at the ILO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean and as Employment Specialist at the ILO Office for the Andean Countries. He also was the head of the ILO's Formalisation Program for Latin America and the Caribbean (FORLAC) and the Head of the Interagency United Nations MDG Program on Youth, Employment and Migration, with the participation of ILO, UNDP, UNFPA and IOM. His experience before the ILO include being the Head of the Labor Statistics Program in the Labor Ministry of Peru and being Director of Research of a Peruvian think tank, CEDEP. He has published widely in the areas of employment, informality, productivity, youth, human capital and the evaluation of social programs. His most recent book is “Politicas de Formalizacion en America Latina: Avances y Desafios”, co edited with Jose Manuel Salazar - Xirinachs. Dr Chacaltana has also a vast experience in the design of public policy and institutional design. He holds a PhD degree in Economics from the Catholic University of Peru and a Master of Science degree in Economics from Texas A&M University in the USA.