Juan Gabriel Rodríguez holds a Ph.D. in economics from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Currently he is Professor of Economics at Universidad Complutense de Madrid and member of EQUALITAS, CEDESOG and ICEI. Previously, he was Head of Research Studies of the Spanish Fiscal Studies Institute (2008-10), and a visiting researcher at Université Laval, Yale University and the World Bank. His fields of research are inequality, equality of opportunity, economic growth and social welfare. He has edited three books titled “Inequality of Opportunity: Theory and Measurement”, “Economic Well-Being and Inequality” and “Inequality after the 20th Century”. He has published in a range of academic journals including the Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Economic Development, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Economic Inequality, Social Choice and Welfare, and Review of Income and Welfare. Finally, he has coordinated and participated in more than 20 competitive research projects