Katsumasa is an international development professional with over fifteen years of experience designing, managing, and evaluating operations in Asia, Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean. Currently, Katsumasa leads the Global Delivery Initiative's case study research, which aims to capture and share practical lessons and insights to inform practitioners’ decision-making for better development outcomes.
Katsumasa joined the World Bank in 2015 as an Evaluation Officer at the Independent Evaluation Group, where he led innovation in evaluation and learning in different sectors using new methodologies including Social Network Analysis and drones. Prior to joining the World Bank, Katsumasa had worked for Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) for ten years, mostly designing and managing clean energy and environmental management programs in Asian and Latin American countries.
Katsumasa completed his undergraduate studies at Kyoto University, Japan, and holds a MSc degree from Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) in University of Sussex, UK.