Kristina Mikulova is currently Advisor to Executive Director for Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Czech Republic, Hungary, Luxembourg, Kosovo, Slovenia, Slovakia and Turkey at the Board of the World Bank. She previously worked at the Ministry of Finance of Slovakia as Head of Development Cooperation. Kristina holds a PhD in Politics and MA in Russian and East European Studies from Oxford University. She consulted for the World Bank and UNDP on governance and innovation policy. Kristina loves to write and has contributed to outlets such as The Economist, The Financial Times and the Huffington Post. She also published an edited volume
on Democratization in EU Foreign Policy with Palgrave Macmillan in 2015. Kristina has developed a keen interest in migration, especially economic and labour flows.
on Democratization in EU Foreign Policy with Palgrave Macmillan in 2015. Kristina has developed a keen interest in migration, especially economic and labour flows.