Linda Anderson-Berry is a consulting social inclusion specialist with the Canada-Caribbean Resilience Facility. Dr. Anderson-Berry is an Associate Professor (adjunct) at James Cook University (JCU), Australia, Centre for Disaster Studies (CDS). She has more than 30 years of experience researching and working towards the delivery of accessible, inclusive warnings services as an integral component of effective disaster risk management. Initially as the coordinator and manager of social science research at JCU CDS, followed by 15 years as the National Manager for Disaster Mitigation Policy at the Bureau of Meteorology, Australia. As a social scientist, she has contributed to several World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) initiatives and projects, she served on the WMO Societal and Economic Research Applications Working Group (WG SERA) for 10 years, four years as co-Chair. She has supported Disability Inclusion in DRM in WB projects in Sri Lanka and in the Caribbean region and most recently authored the Disability Inclusion in Disaster Risk Management – Assessment in the Caribbean report.