Lucia Fort is a Senior Gender and Social Development Specialist with over 17 years of operational experience integrating gender considerations, i.e., identifying female and male gender issues and adopting measures or actions to ensure both women and men participate in and benefit from international development projects, in international development projects in infrastructure, agriculture and rural development, education, micro-entrepreneurship, and social development. She has extensive analytical and project monitoring and evaluation skills and experience, including integrating sex-disaggregated or gender-relevant indicators into M&E systems and tracking and assessing results by gender. She also has strong expertise on gender statistics and sex-disaggregated data availability, quality and use.
Currently, as a consultant for ESMAP and the AFREA Gender and Energy team at the World Bank, she is applying her expertise to the Bank’s energy operations in Sub-Saharan African countries. Dr. Fort, who was born in Peru, holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from American University in Washington, DC.
Currently, as a consultant for ESMAP and the AFREA Gender and Energy team at the World Bank, she is applying her expertise to the Bank’s energy operations in Sub-Saharan African countries. Dr. Fort, who was born in Peru, holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from American University in Washington, DC.