Margarita Puerto is a Specialist working in the Social Development Global Practice in the Africa region. She has 15 years of experience working on urban violence prevention and forced displacement. Her professional experience spans policy and operational support on gender-based violence and community-driven development in conflict-affected areas. In LCR, she worked on the Safer Municipalities Project in Honduras, the Urban Infrastructure Project in Guatemala, the Programmatic Approach on Citizen Security in Central America, and the Victims Reparation Project in Colombia, among others. She has also supported displacement operations in Sudan, Uganda, Georgia and Kenya. Currently she is working in Kenya and Mali on mainstreaming violence prevention in urban development projects. She holds a law degree from the National University of Honduras and two Master Degrees in International Development from the Institute of Social Studies ISS (The Hague, Netherlands) and the George Washington University (Washington, DC). Prior to joining the AFR unit, she worked in the Global Social Unit and the LCR region.