Matt King is an Environmental Specialist at the World Bank, where he is the Fund Manager of the Carbon Initiative for Development (Ci-Dev) in the Climate Funds Management Unit (SCCFM). Ci-Dev is a $100 million fund that mobilizes private finance for clean energy access in low-income countries. It delivers results-based finance to innovative and transformative business models driven by the private sector. Through 2025, Ci-Dev will have mobilized more than $250 million in private finance to provide low-carbon energy to more than 10 million people in the communities most vulnerable to climate change. Matt has over 10 years’ experience in climate and carbon markets and renewable energy. Previously, he set up and ran small businesses in carbon finance, solar photovoltaics, and energy efficiency. He has a Master of Science in Environmental Change and Management from Oxford University, earned on a Fulbright Scholarship.