Md. Ahasanul Hoque works as Geospatial data management consultant at The World Bank since 2013. Mr. Hoque is an Asian Institute of Technology(AIT) Graduate of Remote Sensing & GIS (RSGIS) and Environmental Science graduate of Khulna University, Bangladesh. He is a well-known Open GIS, open data, and remote sensing expert, and his area of expertise is mostly in Open Geospatial tools like QGIS, GeoNode, OpenStreetMap, JOSM. he is Executive Director of OpenStreetMap Bangladesh Foundation (OSMBDF), global Vice President of Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, the lead trainer of OpenSource mapping in Bangladesh, associate member of OSM Foundation, and the technical member of CrisisMappers Network. Previously he worked at other international aid agencies such as Norwegian Refugee Council, American Red Cross, DFID, and UNICEF.