Mike Goldberg started his career as a Peace Corps Small Business Volunteer in Ecuador, and has worked as a project manager for CARE Guatemala and project officer for Appropriate Technology International. Mike was a founding staff member of CGAP, a donor microfinance consortium hosted by the World Bank, and covered Central America, China, Russia, and East Africa. With the World Bank since 1992, he has worked in East Asia, South Asia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America and the Caribbean, as a microfinance and small business development expert. Mike also worked on project quality control and staff training for the Latin America Vice Presidency, then the Africa Vice Presidency. Mike is currently the lead operations adviser for the Macroeconomics and Fiscal Management Global Practice of the Bank. He holds a BA in International Relations from Johns Hopkins, a Masters in Law and Diplomacy from The Fletcher School and an MBA/MSF from Drexel University. He is fluent in Spanish and speaks basic Portuguese, poor French, and even worse Chinese. Recent publications include “Microfinance: Managing Risk and Creating Value” and “How Firms Cope with Crime and Violence”, both published by the World Bank. All in all, it has not been a bad career path for a kid from Norristown, Pennsylvania.