Monica Paganini

Monica Paganini


Monica Paganini is an Italian national, is an economist in the Finance, Competitiveness & Innovation Global Practice. Monica has broad experience in economic policy analysis covering issues of private sector development, productivity of firms, FDI and jobs. She has been working for over 5 years with different UN organizations for agricultural development such as FAO, IFAD and WFP for the economics department and technical cooperation division. She worked for almost two years for the JOBS group and MTI team at the World Bank. She also has short experiences with UNIDO and OECD where she was working on FDI and science, technology innovation. Monica holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Kent (UK), and a MSc in management and finance from the University of London and a second MSc in applied economics from the University of Ferrara and Carlos III de Madrid.

Monica has field experiences for projects in Latin America, and particularly for the Asia & Pacific region. She speaks fluently Spanish, French and English and an intermediate knowledge of Russian, Portuguese and German and a beginner knowledge in Chinese.