Nadia Naviwala is a senior advisor to The Citizens Foundation (TCF) based in Washington, DC. She is also a nonresident fellow with the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. She is the author of "Why Can't Pakistani Children Read?" And "Pakistan's Education Crisis: The Real Story," as well as several articles and opinion pieces about public education reforms and financing in Pakistan. Nadia has served as Pakistan Country Representative for the United States Institute of Peace, a Pakistan Desk Officer at USAID, and a National Security Aide in the U.S. Senate. She taught U.S. foreign policy at the National Defense University in Islamabad in 2014. Nadia holds a Masters in Public Policy degree from Harvard Kennedy School. She holds a B.S. in Foreign Service from Georgetown University. She has written for the New York Times, Foreign Policy, NPR, Devex, and Dawn, and her work has been cited in the Economist. She tweets @NadiaNavi.