Nadia Sharmin is a Senior Environmental Specialist with the World Bank, in the Environment, Natural Resources & Blue Economy Global Practice. Nadia joined the World Bank 10 years ago and has since been working on environmental issues with a multi-disciplinary focus on leading project preparation, implementation, knowledge product development and safeguard support. She has served as an ESF/safeguards specialist on high-risk projects in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and FCV country like Kosovo in the transport, water, energy, environment, education agriculture, social protection and disaster risk management sectors and emergency operation dealing with Rohingya refugees. She also has the experience to work as the Country Safeguard Coordinator for Bangladesh.
She holds a PhD in Geotechnical and Gen-environmental Engineering from North Carolina State University in USA. She is a Civil Engineer by training from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. She completed Engineer in Training in USA. She has won twice SAR VPU and once GGS VPU team award for her contribution in safeguard. Nadia is one of the receivers of the Staff Association Excellence in Leadership Award.