Nancy first arrived in Afghanistan in the early 1960s and has worked tirelessly in the ensuing years to document the cultural heritage of the country, first with her husband Louis Dupree, and continuing after his death. An internationally recognized expert on the history, art, and archaeology of Afghanistan, Nancy has written 5 guidebooks for the Afghanistan Tourist Organization, the guide to the National Museum, and over 250 pieces on topics including the reconstruction of Afghanistan. In 2007 she established the Dupree Foundation to promote charitable, education and scientific endeavors to benefit the people of Afghanistan. Nancy’s ACKU (Afghanistan Center at Kabul University) is really a treasure for those who want to research on Afghanistan. Nancy’s work about preserving Afghanistan heritage is appreciated by many Afghans, including top leaders i.e. President Karzai. In recognition to her tireless endeavors to preserve Afghan heritage, Afghan President, Hamid Karzai has recently bestowed her with the state medal of Malalai which is one of the highest recognition in Afghanistan.