Nazaneen Ali is a Lead Procurement Specialist and Procurement Hub Coordinator for the World Bank in MENA based in Washington, DC. She has over 17 years of public procurement operational and advisory services experience working with governments on planning and execution of reform programs, including: assessment and modernization of public procurement systems, introduction of innovations in their practices, building capacity, and promoting SME and gender inclusion.
Prior to her current role, Ms. Ali has led a number of public procurement reform programs, served as World Bank Hub Coordinator for AFCS1 and AFCE1 in AFE and Country Procurement Coordinator for Gulf Countries. Her procurement experience spans countries of all income groups and includes procurement in fragile and conflict-affected situations.
Ms. Ali holds a Master’s degree in Architectural Engineering. Prior to joining the World Bank she worked as an architect in the US and in Iraq in both public and private sectors. She also lectured on project management. She is the author or co-author of a number of publications on public procurement and a winner of several awards both for her work and for her integrity in public procurement.
Select Publications:
- Can public procurement bring socio-economic empowerment policies into implementation? 2020
- Yes, they can: SMEs filling the infrastructure gap in fragile countries - 2018
- Financing needs cannot be met without private sector’s help – 2015
- The Political Economy of Procurement Reform in Iraq – 2014 (winner of the World Bank's Procurement for Complex Situations Challenge in 2014.)